“Where are you from?”

This may be the number one question I have been asked throughout my lifetime.

I am from Earth, a small oasis planet, nestled between a few medium sized stars in an ever growing universe. Born in the rocky mountains of Boulder Colorado, I migrated to Dover New Hampshire at age five. In the beginning, life was a picturesque scene of family, art, basketball, hiking, biking, camping and floundering through school. The world became more dynamic at age 11, when Hip Hop compelled this scrawny, ragamuffin youth towards manhood.

“Hip Hop was my rights of passage.”

After the first flood of innovative flavors from the sounds of Outkast, Wu-Tang and 2Pac, I began writing my own primitive Raps. This quickly developed into an addictive creative outlet. These early scripts were like secret documents that reached the ears of a trusted few. The art of freestyling was cultivated as a means to relate to friends. As an otherwise quiet introvert, I had found my voice. 

I was now approaching music with more sincerity. I took the name Chameleon as my stage alias, and made my public debut in the Spring of 1997. A live freestyle cypher on WUNH radio, during the classic underground Hip Hop show, The Mothership Connection. So began the journey.

I proceeded to build and nurture my talent, gaining experience while working with an ever changing team of artists and musicians. Through the late 90s and early 2000s, I gathered a competence in instruments such as guitar, piano/keys, flute, bass, drums and percussion.  A handful of projects were actualized in those years. The original break out group, Assertive Elements was formed in 1998. This momentum continued to build and manifest in projects such as, Ill Fitting Shoe, The Woodsmen, Quest Of The White Buffalo, Birds Eye View, Seeds In The Wind, The Dawns First Breath, Book Of Matches and finally, The Immortal Realm. 


“I’ve been around the block and I’ve been around the world”

Over a 20 year stretch, I found myself traveling and living at many points on the map, and hitchhiking and venturing through Southeast Asia.  I moved from “The Shire” to Michigan to California to Oregon, and most recently took roots in Vermont.

On this journey I’ve gained valuable insight and experience through my relations and creations. At every juncture I embraced the opportunity to grow and transform my Spirit and craft. The world was a training ground, as I endeavoured to realize my power as a Superhuman.

In addition to artistry, I gained skills in carpentry, natural building, farming, permaculture, martial arts, cooperative living and various ways of the kitchen. My goal has always been to develop a diversity of skills and sustain an unwavering competence to live a life of integrity.

Hip Hop music and culture has remained a catalyzing force throughout my quest. 

As of January 12th 2021, my lifelong experience culminated in the landmark creation and release of The Immortal Realm. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in creative innovation, right livelihood and freedom.

“Return of the KungFu Dreadlock breaking bedrock. No time for dead talk, I pick up where I left off…”

In this life I stand as a motivated man on a mission. Simply put, I am here to catalyze the healing and regeneration of this good Earth. As an artist, I embrace the responsibility in knowing that my craft holds an endless potential to inspire, influence and innovate. With that in mind, my goals and intentions are rooted in a radical exploration of human potential. I am a modern day peacemaker, aiming to accurately perceive the needs of mother nature and actualize harmony in all my relations. 

This may sound absurdly optimistic and unreal in a world of disharmony and struggle…

To this I say…”If you don’t cast a line then you won’t catch a fish” 

Thus, I am committed to navigating and deciphering the entangled complexities of society in order to bring strong insight and understanding to my kin.

In my eyes, there is no greater success than to sustain a thriving Mind, Body and Soul to generate a potent Spirit. I call this “tending my fire”. When my fire is burning steady, bright and clean, then I can most effectively serve my community.

To my children and seven generations passed today, I aim to produce a momentum for you to carry into a life of optimal health, wealth and abundance.  I hold this mission as one that has been refined through countless past lifetimes, and will be continued in the actions of courageous artists in the future. 

I deal in matters of ancestral healing, racial and environmental justice, spiritual harmony and right livelihood. I believe my work speaks for itself.

Old Growth SoulJourner, at your service!